April 3, 2009

Getting Organized, April Fools!

I think someone has played an April Fools joke on me that has lasted 3 days. Have you ever found yourself in this predicament? You decide to get better organized and you make more of a mess than it was in the first place. Well I have done it this time. We run multiple computer programs that all link together with billing, contact information, client jobs, etc. and these programs then link to another program so that I can get all the new and updated contact information into my phone. Because my phone is my life line as an event planner. I need to be able to get anything, anytime, anywhere when I am working and especially when I am on a job site, so my phone is my life line for my work.

WELLLLLLLLL, somewhere, sometime when everything synced not only did they update but they created OHHHHHHH about 1, 000 new WRONG contact names by combining right contact names. WHAT A MESS! After going through them all for about 2 days I am now ready to upload them to my phone, so I clear out the mess in the program that links to my phone and try to bring my phone information (about 1, 000 contacts) into the program so that I can fix them. GUESS WHAT???????? My phone empties completely out and nothing transfers from my phone. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Hopefully today I can get someone on the phone to help me fix my phone, since I work this weekend and need my life line.AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Its always something! I'm so frustrated I feel like going back to my day planner, sticking my head in the ground and pretending technology doesn't exist. But then it would be hard to get my day planner in my pocket. What a conundrum! Hope you are having a better day!

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