April 5, 2009

I Love Sayings!

I Love Sayings, quirky, inspirational and so forth, they inspire me, they remind me and best of all they make me smile when they are so very accurate. Most of the sayings around my house and my office mean a lot to me, some I have bought for myself and some others have given me. Yesterday we had the chance to get out for the day, a Saturday, that doesn't happen very often. We went to Knotts Berry Farm for the day and took the kids and some of their friends. While my husband and I were poking in the stores, I found a lot of great items by Suzy Toronto that are fun, colorful and come with great sayings. I am hooked! I bought a great coffee cup that says on the outside of the cup "Life is all about how you handle Plan B!" and on the inside of the rim it says "Plan B.... the true test of character". How extremely appropriate LIFE you never know which way it will take you and how you are going to get there. Sometimes when life gets crazy and things go wrong...............................I always seem to discover that it happened for a reason. GO FIGURE!

So as I always like to say to myself "Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!" (have that on a sign in my office) So having said that I guess I'll get back to the bookkeeping AHHHH, I hate bookkeeping!!!

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